Home Past Events - ISSA Events Supervisor and Management Boot Camp

Supervisor and Management Boot Camp


Jul 19 - 21 2022


8:30 am - 4:00 pm


The OSU Student Union
1739 N High St. Columbus

Barbie Tootle Room (Room 3156)


Three CMI Certifications for the Price of One! (CWS, AAP, Supervisor)

The Supervisor and Management Boot Camp is designed to sharpen both technical and soft skills involved in cleaning, maintaining, and servicing facilities. This course is designed both for aspiring entry-level workers as well as tenured professionals who are looking to increase their education and learn new techniques. After attending all sessions of this event, you will receive access to take an online exam to obtain the Certified Custodial Supervisor (C.C.S.) certification. (CWS, AAP, Supervisor Certifications)

July 19-21, 2022

8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EDT

Who should attend?

  • Leads
  • Managers
  • Supervisors
  • Aspiring future leaders


Focus 1: CMI Certified Custodial Supervisor – Online and Self -Paced

  • How to develop leadership qualities in the building services field
  • Attitude, motivation, personality types
  • Leadership skills, team building activities
  • Designing an effective department
  • Implementation at your organization
  • Dealing with difficult employees

Focus 2: Accredited Auditing Professional

AAP certifications are structured and designed for empowering an individual to provide a consistent and standard quality assurance audit. Each certification is valid for two years from the date taken. The AAP certification will place you within an elite group of auditing professionals throughout the world.

Additional Features and Benefits of the Accredited Auditing Professional Certification:

  • Understanding where deficiencies come from and how to create a solution.
  • Reduce your operating expenses while increasing employee efficiency.
  • Provide added value and peace of mind to your clients that their facility is hitting a new level of clean.

Focus 3: Certified Workloading Specialist

Workloading is the foundation of a successful cleaning plan. The strategy and plans are what determines the who, what, when, and how of cleaning needed to meet customer expectations. A workloading strategy provides an opportunity to rebuild the current cleaning culture to one of efficiency, innovation, balanced workload, and high-performance thinking.

Course attendees will be able to:

  • Improve workloading processes
  • Evaluate employee performance according to a set standard
  • Improve accountability
  • Identify areas that require improved service levels
  • Perform calculations using the ISSA Cleaning Times and Tasks Standard
  • Improve morale and reduce turnover

Barbie Tootle Room (rm 3156),
The OSU Student Union
1739 N High St
Columbus, OH 43210


If you have any questions or are interested in registering for this event, please contact a member of the CMI team at [email protected] or at 847-982-0800.

Interested in registering a large group?
For inquries about group ordering, please contact the event organizer.



(800) 225-4772
[email protected]

Other Organizers

Dean Mastan
[email protected]

The event is finished.

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